Prof. Dr. Hany Abdel Gawwad is a world-renowned Professor & Consultant with over 20 years of remarkable expertise in Advanced Spinal Deformity Surgery in Pediatrics and Adults. With his one-of-a-kind techniques, Prof. Dr. Hany Abdel Gawwad has been instilling hope and restoring optimal Spine health in children and adults from across the globe.
Prof. Dr. Hany Abdel Gawwad has an impressive background in Spine Surgery, having worked at Al-Azhar University and the Nasser Institute. He has gained significant experience in this field, which forms the foundation of his expertise. Dr. Hany focuses on Post-Traumatic Kyphosis Correction Surgery, demonstrating his commitment to treating complex spinal issues. To further his knowledge and skills, he has completed multiple Spine Fellowships, including prestigious programs in the USA and Canada. He completed fellowships at the Spine Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA, and the University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Prof. Dr. Hany Abdel Gawwad is committed to staying at the forefront of the advancements in Complex Spine Surgery. He has been recognized for mastering recent techniques and has received national and international acclaim. Dr. Hany has been awarded by various organizations and universities across the world in acknowledgement of his exceptional contributions to Spine Surgery. With his wealth of experience and commitment to excellence, Dr. Hany continues to make significant strides in the realm of Adult and Pediatric Spine Surgery.
Welcome to Adam Vital Hospital, where we provide advanced and compassionate care for individuals facing the challenges of scoliosis and more complex conditions like kyphosis. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to enhancing lives through personalized treatment plans and state-of-the-art medical interventions.
Scoliosis is a common condition characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine, often emerging during puberty. While its origins can vary, most cases are mild. However, without proper attention, severe deformities may lead to significant functional disabilities, impacting lung function and overall well-being.
Uneven shoulders
Prominent shoulder blade
Uneven waist
Asymmetrical hip levels
Rounded Shoulder
Hump on the upper back
Back pain or stiffness
Fatigue and muscle weakness
The severity of scoliosis determines the course of treatment, considering factors such as :
(For curvature below 25 to 40 degrees)
(For significant curves beyond 40 degrees)
دكتور هاني عبدالجواد يعرض نجاح جراحة تصليح اعوجاج عمود فقري شديد للطفلة وعد و كيف انعكس نجاح الجراحة علي حياتها و حياة اسرتها
دكتور هاني عبدالجواد يعرض نجاح احد اخطر جراحات تشوه العمود الفقري حيث كان احمد يعاني من اعوجاج و تحدب شديد بالعمود الفقري ثانوي لمرض الاورام الليفية العصبيه و نجحت الجراحه نجاح مبهر من سنه و جاء احمد و اسرته يوضحون كيف كانت المعانآه قبل العمليه و كيف اصبحت الحياه سعيده و تغير حال الاسره بالكامل بعد النجاح المبهر للعمليه
إيناس من السودان، بقالها كتير بتمشي و هي وموطيه لاكتر من مستوي الركوع و بقالها سنه و نصف منامتش علي ظهرها لانها
دكتور هاني عبدالجواد يعرض النجاح المبهر لتصليح اعوجاج و تحدب خطير بالعمود الفقري للطفل اليمني محمد و كيف كانت المعانآه و كيف تغيرت حياة الاسره للأفضل بعد نجاح الجراحه