
Adam Vital Pharmacy provides essential, critical and chronic medications, some of which are obtained exclusively at this pharmacy.

The uniqueness of the pharmacy is that it provides healthcare devices, accessories, support equipment (such as crutches, walkers and different kinds of orthopaedic support), plus cosmetic products and over-the-counter medication.

The pharmacy delivers the highest level of pharmaceutical services through effective financial, operational, clinical, therapeutic and regulatory expertise. Specialty medications are carefully selected through the Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee, considering the evidence-based practice to ensure quality care, desired outcomes and patient safety.

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The pharmacy works in co-operation with the physicians, prescribers, nurses and other healthcare professionals to ensure the provision of rational drug therapy is met and to provide safe and direct patient care and education.

Our pharmacists are medication experts, who provide advice on how to use the medication and to ensure that the medication is safe for our patients.

The pharmacists provide the following services to our patients and consumers:

Dispensing Medications and Educating patients

Ensure that the right medications are dispensed to the right patients as prescribed by the doctors with minimum waiting time, and educate patients how to use the medications.

Patient Counselling

Interact with the patient to ensure that medications are used in the safest and most effective way possible and to encourage appropriate self-care.

Patient Education

Advise and educate consumers on the safe and effective use of not only prescribed medication, but also over-the-counter medications.

Inpatient Services

Ensure the best patient care by providing expertise in drug therapy and distribution, in co-ordination with other

Drug Information

Provide in-house drug information to physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals.


Write clear instructions to the patients on when and how to use medications

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MOH License Number : AH80681 – 09/06/2025