Spinal cord injury as its name suggests is caused due to injury in the spine and is serious trauma that often causes permanent changes in the sensation, strength and functioning of the body. Spine pain in some cases can require surgical treatments where the injury is serious. These conditions usually involve spine pain that radiates into the legs, rib cage and arms

The ability to control your limbs after a spinal injury depends on the place of injury and severity of the injury.

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Signs and symptoms of the spinal cord injury are:

  • Inability to maintain normal posture
  • Stiffness in the lower back
  • Restrained range of motion
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of movement
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Intense pain and stinging sensation
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control
  • Difficulty in walking and balancing

Spinal cord pain in the lower back (lumbar region) and neck (the cervical region is most common because of their weight-bearing function and twisting and bending movements. When the lumbar spine is strained the tissues cause inflammation and pain. Straining is generally caused due to over-usage of tissues and sudden injuries.

A slipped disc occurs when the supple tissue that acts as a cushion between your spine's bones pulls out. If it puts pressure on nerves, it hurts. With rest, mild exercise, and painkillers, it typically improves gradually.

The vertebrae, the specific bones that make up the spinal column, are separated by rubbery pads called spinal discs. Intervertebral discs is the term used by doctors. Each disc is a flat, spherical capsule with a diameter and thickness of roughly an inch and a quarter.

The most common age group for diagnosis of scoliosis, which is a sideways curvature of the spine, is adolescence. Although scoliosis can develop in persons with diseases like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the majority of infantile scoliosis has an enigmatic origin. Types of scoliosis: idiopathic, congenital or neuromuscular.

What is Back Pain︖

Back pain can be discomforting and can result in serious injuries and medical conditions. It can affect people at any age and have different causes. The chances of lumbagoincrease as the person get older.

Lower back muscle pain is associated with ligaments around the spine, the disc between the vertebrae, bony lumbar spine, lower back muscles, abdominal and pelvic internal organs and skin around the lumbar area. However, pain in the upper back can be a result of a tumor in the chest, spinal inflammation and disorders in the aorta.

Back pain can be categorized into two types- Acute and Chronic pain Sudden lower back pain is associated with acute pain that stays for weeks whereas chronic pain develops over time and last for months and causes long term problems.

What are the most common causes of back pain︖

Pain in lower backcan be caused because of several reasons. Lower back pain onthe right side is usually because of kidney stones, infection, sprain, strain and problems associated with digestive and reproductive organs whereas, lower backpain on the left side is caused due to sciatica, herniated disc, osteoarthritis, dysfunction of sacroiliac joints, endometriosis or fibroids. Associated withlower back pain reasons include:

  • Ruptured disks
    The ruptured soft material inside the disc can press the nerve which can be found in X-rays.
  • Arthritis
    The lower back can be affected by osteoarthritis and in some cases can cause spinal stenosis.
  • Upper back pain causes
    1. Poor Posture
    2. Traumatic Injuries
    3. Herniated disc
  • Osteoporosis
    When the bones become porous and brittle, they can cause painful fractures in the spine.
  • Muscle strain
    Sudden movements can strain your muscles and ligaments and can cause painful muscle spasms and stiff back.
  • The sciatic nerves leave your lower back and travel down each leg, that causes lower back pain right side above buttocks. Sciatica is the medical term for discomfort that travels down each leg following the sciatic nerve's course from your lower back through your hips and buttocks. Sciatica pain typically only affects one side of your body.

Upper back pain has certain other causes too such as, Pinched nerve, Osteoarthritis, etc. The spine or back muscles might occasionally be the source of upper left back pain. Other times, the pain could not be coming from your back. Your upper back may experience pain that originates in one of your organs, such as the pancreas or kidneys.Upper right back pain can range from mild to incapacitating. It may restrict your range of motion and make it challenging for you to carry out your daily activities.


Back pain can be cured gradually by some of the home remedies and self-care to get relief from back pain. If the pain doesn’t go after a period of time, you should contact your doctor.

  • Weakness, tingling and numbness in legs.
  • Spreads down to legs
  • Persists for a few weeks
  • Gets severe with time and doesn’t improve with time


Most Back pain gradually improves with home remedies and self-care. You need to see a doctor if the pain worsens with time and hinders in daily activities. If you feel weakness, numbness, and tingling sensation in your legs or observe an unexplainable weight loss, resting is no longer helpful, and you must seek immediate care. Bowel or bladder problems and fever is observed in some rare cases


An orthopaedic doctor can diagnose back pain after learning about the medical condition and performing physical examinations.

Physical examination such as X-Ray, MRI and CT scan can be done to identify the cause of lower back pain.

  • MRI and CT scans are done for identifying herniated disk problems.
  • X-rays detect damage in bones, muscles, discs and spinal cord.
  • Bone scans can be done for conditions such as osteoporosis with the help of special cameras.
  • EMG is another way for conforming nerve compression with spinal stenosis

What are the lower back pain treatments available︖

Home remedies provide relief from back pain in most cases within a month and do not require surgery. If home treatments aren't working after several weeks, your doctor might suggest stronger medications or other therapies. Home remedies such as, OTC’s, Hot and Cold Fermentation can be done for lower back muscle spasms.

Medications :

Depending on the type of back pain you have, your orthopaedic doctor might prescribe the following :

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium may help relieve back pain.
  • Muscle relaxants: If mild to moderate backache doesn't improve with OTC pain relievers, the doctor may also prescribe a muscle relaxant. Muscle relaxants can make you dizzy and sleepy.
  • Topical pain relievers: These products deliver pain-relieving substances through your skin via creams, salves, ointments or patches.
  • Antidepressants: Some types of antidepressants — particularly duloxetine and tricyclic antidepressants, have been effective for relieving severe back pain

Scoliosis treatments vary, depending on the extent of the curve. Children with extremely mild curves typically don't require any therapy at all, although they may require periodic exams to determine whether the curve is getting worse as they age. In cases where the spinal curve is moderate or severe, bracing or surgery may be required.

Your pain will be reduced, and your mobility will improve through sciatica pain treatment. Depending on the underlying cause, many sciatica patients improve gradually with a few basic self-care measures.

Physical Therapy :

A physical therapist helps you in increasing back flexibility and strength for improving posture. Regular use of these techniques can help keep in lowerback pain relief.

Lower Back Surgery :

If you have unrelenting pain associated with radiating leg pain or progressive muscle weakness caused by nerve compression, you might benefit from surgery. These procedures are usually reserved for pain related to structural problems, such as spinal stenosis or a herniated disk.

Some other procedures to treat Lower Back pain includes:

  • Cortisone injections: These are strong anti-inflammatory drugs. Administration of cortisone decreases inflammation around the nerve roots, effects last only a month or two.
  • Radiofrequency neurotomy: In this procedure, a fine needle is inserted through your skin so the tip is near the area causing your pain. Radio waves passed through the needle damages the nearby nerves, inferring the delivery of pain signals to the brain.
  • Implanted nerve stimulators: Devices implanted under your skin can deliver electrical impulses to certain nerves to block pain signals.

What precautions can be taken to prevent lower back pain︖

Back pain can be prevented by improving physical condition and practising proper body mechanics to keep the back healthy.

  • Exercise
    Regular exercising and aerobic activities can increase the strength and endurance of the back, allowing the muscles to function better and eliminating the development of strained back muscles.
  • Build strength and flexibility
    Strengthening of the core can be done by abdominal and back muscle exercise and preventback ormuscle spasms.
  • Quit smoking
    Smoking increases the risk of lower back pain so quitting can reduce the risk of developing lower back pain.
  • Maintaining healthy weight
    Being overweight can put a lot of pressure on the spine. Reducing the pressure on the bone can eliminate the risk of developingsevere lower back pain.
  • Stretching for lower back pain
    Stretching for back pain such as child’s pose, knee-to-chest stretch, piriformis stretches, seated spinal twist, pelvic tilt, cat-cow stretch and sphinx stretch.

What is Neck Pain︖

The bones, ligaments, and muscles of your neck support your head. Any injury or abnormality in the neck causes pain, neck strainand neck sprain or cervical pain that is caused around the spine below the neck. Most of the time, Neck pain isn’t a serious condition and can be treated within a brief period. If your Neck pain continues for more than a week, it calls for medical attention. Neck pain is a common complaint accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands

What are the symptoms of neck pain︖

Signs and symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Pain and neck stiffness can be felt in the middle or on either side of your neck.Stiff neck causes restrictive movement.
  • You may have pain and weakness in your arms.
  • You may have tension headaches
  • You may feel numbness and tingling sensations down your arm.
  • Clicking or grating noises can be heard, caused by air bubbles popping or tissues and bones moving over each other.
  • Neck spasm
  • Neck muscle spasm

What are the commonly known causes of neck pain︖

Neck pain is very common and most people have it at some point in their lives. The neck is flexible and supports the weight of the head. Injuries in the neck can cause pain and restrict motion.

Neck pain left side or neck pain right side is caused due to muscle strain, poor sleeping, bad posture and is usually not serious.Neck pain causes:

  • Nerve compression
  • Neck joints tend to wear down with age.
  • Cervical spondylosis
  • Cervical Radiculopathy
  • Sleeping awkwardly
  • Overuse of muscles often triggers neck strains.
  • Whiplash injuries occur when the head is jerked backwards and then forward, straining the soft tissues of the neck.
  • Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis or cancer can cause neck pain.

How can be neck pain diagnosed︖

Physical examination and medical history are studied by the neck doctor. He will check for tenderness, numbness, neck muscle weakness and the movement of the head. Image testing such as X-rays, CT scans and MRI can reveal areas of your neck where the nerve or spinal cord might be pinched. These tests help in producing detailed cross-sectional views of the internal structures of your neck. Blood tests help in figuring out the inflammatory reasons causing neck muscle pain.

How is neck pain treated︖

The type of neck pain treatment provided depends on the cause and severity. Your neck doctor might prescribe you strong pain medication. Physical therapy can help you in correcting posture, alignment and neck straightening. Heat, ice, electrical stimulation and other measures can help in neck pain relief and prevent a recurrence.

Steroid injections are administered near the nerve roots, into the bones of the cervical spine or muscles. Neck pain rarely requires surgery except in the cases of spinal cord compression. Over-the-counter pain, relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc. can be used for reducing pain. Acupuncture, chiropractic and massage can be combined with doctors recommended treatments for minimizing pain.

What measures can be taken for preventing neck pain︖

Pain in the neck is associated with poor posture combined with depleting age. To prevent neck pain, some simple changes in the daily routine can help which includes: -

  • Quit smoking to avoid developing neck pain.
  • Sleep in a good position with your Head and Neck aligned with your body.
  • Avoid carrying heavy bags with broad straps over your shoulder.
  • Take frequent breaks between work and move around.
  • Adjust your chair and computer to align your monitor at your eye level

At Adam Vital Hospital, we have the best orthopaedic doctors and spine doctors in Dubai who will help you understand the cause of the pain and choices of treatment. We are among the best hospitals, providing treatment for all kinds of Neck and Back injuries and spine surgery in Dubai.

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MOH License Number : AH80681 – 09/06/2025